“Few maintenance items -
Front garden gate cross brace detached and 2 picket slats loose, nails have rusted through.”
Deep hole in lawn and previous visitors placed a tile over the hole, hole needs filling to make safe.
Shower head mount still loose on wall like this last year.
One fence panel has been made up from bits and pieces.
For comfort would have been nice to have some cushions in the lounge we had to use pillows off the bed.
Limited cleaning materials.
It's always nice to welcome back returning guests, and pleased receive your feedback.
Our Housekeeper's contact information is provided in our 'Cottage Folder', so we are surprised they were not contacted to rectify any pressing issues you may have had during your stay.
We do apologise that the fence caused such concern, it is not a standard sized gap, hence being made of parts, but it is secure and dog proof.
We have followed government guidance on cleanliness for Covid-19 - hence reducing soft furnishings throughout to make deep cleaning easier.
Lastly, cleaning materials are provided during each reservation.
Thank you again.
Property Owner